Around the world, doctors help patients with assisted dying, regardless of whether it is legal in their jurisdiction or not.
For example, in Australia, where assisted dying is illegal, research reveals that assisted dying is widely practiced. Many Australian nurses have collaborated with doctors to provide assisted dying, and have occasionally even done so without consulting a doctor (Kuhse & Singer 1993). Nurses in New Zealand also provide assisted dying, sometimes without consulting a doctor (Malpas, Mitchell & Koschwanez 2015; Mitchell & Owens 2004).
"Euthanasia is common. It's practiced out of sight, under wraps, no regulation, no rules, no supervision." Prof. Peter Baum (Baum 2001)
Professor Baum's statement is borne out by scientific research. A national survey of Australian doctors in 1996 found that 1.9% of deaths were the result of voluntary euthanasia (VE) or physician-assisted dying (PAD) (Kuhse et al. 1997). By comparison, the rate in the Netherlands in 1995 (the closest year of empirical research data) was 2.6% (Onwuteaka-Philipsen et al 2012). The rate of medically assisted deaths in Australia, where the practice is illegal, was three quarters the rate of the Netherlands, where the practice is legal.
Similarly, Douglas and colleagues (2001) surveyed Australian surgeons, finding that more than a third had provided drugs with the intention to hasten patient death, and with more than half of cases lacking an express request from the patient.
Forms of medically assisted dying have been found to occur not only in Australia (and in the Netherlands where it has been lawful for decades), but in Belgium prior to its law reform (Chambaere et al. 2015); Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden and Italy (van der Heide et al. 2003); the UK (Seale 2009a; Seale 2009b); the USA (Back et al. 1996; Bonn 2000; Emanuel, Fairclough & Clarridge 1996; Lachman 2010; Schwarz 2003; Schwarz 2004); France (Riou et al. 2015); Norway (Forde & Aasland 2014; Forde, Aasland & Falkum 1997); and even in conservative Greece (Voultsos, Njau & Vlachou 2010); Northern Ireland (McGlade 2000) and Pakistan (Imran et al. 2014).
Indeed, "euthanasia is performed worldwide, regardless of the existence of laws governing it" (Gastmans et al. 2006), "in all countries studied" (Muller, Kimsma & Van Der Wal 1998), "albeit in a secretive manner" (Rosenfeld 2000), "in the privacy of their [doctor-patient] relationship" (Cassell 1995), with repeated involvement of some physicians (Smith 2007), and frequent failure to adhere to high standards when illegal (Emanuel et al 1998).
Even Dr Brendan Nelson, while President of the Australian Medical Association, acknowledged that he had helped hasten the death of a patient. He stated that in the "2 percent of cases" where there was no hope of recovery, that "patients, their families and their doctors make those decisions [for euthanasia]" though clandestinely, because "technically it would be illegal" (Nelson 1995).
AMA's President, Brendan Nelson, in 1995.
The evidence is irrefutable: there is underground assisted dying worldwide and it demonstrates that there is a profound need for assisted dying law reform to allow dying patients the right to seek a peaceful hastened death, and to protect doctors and nurses who provide that assistance. Law reform would also force assisted dying from the dark shadows, creating transparency and accountability around the process, which would then be open to discussion and improvement if required.
Intolerable and unrelievable patient suffering drives underground assisted dying across the world in jurisdictions where it is illegal, with no standards of practice or transparent oversight.
Back, AL, Wallace, JI, Starks, HE & Pearlman, RA 1996, 'Physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia in Washington State: Patient requests and physician responses', JAMA, vol. 275, no. 12, pp. 919-925.
Baum, P 2001, ABC News, TV broadcast 23 Jan, ABC, Sydney.
Bonn, D 2000, 'Support for euthanasia falls as care of dying patients improves', The Lancet Oncology, vol. 1, no. 3, p. 133.
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