Posted on Saturday 13th March 2021 at 11:57pm
Anti-VAD campaigners have caused themselves further major embarrassment by repeatedly cherry-picking statistics to try and establish a case that the full data conflicts with.
Here we go again. Branka van der Linden of Catholic anti-VAD website “HOPE”, and the Australian Care Alliance — endorsed by a number of well-known, committed Catholic doctors — have just published more egregious misinformation against VAD. This time they've collectively piled it on Victoria's general suicide statistics, recently updated by the Victorian Coroner. So what did they say, and how did it misrepresent the actual situation? Let's take a look.
The reason the statistics are being discussed is because in 2017, Victoria's parliament legalised voluntary assisted dying (VAD) for the terminally ill. The law came into effect halfway through 2019, and 2020 was the first full year of its operation.
Australian Care Alliance gets the basics wrong
Bull |
Fudge |
Fiction |
Faith |
Assisted dying (AD) |
Australia |
Victoria |
Branka van der Linden |
Religion |
Catholic |
Statistics |
Rhetoric |
Rhetoric: Suicide |
Rhetoric: Suicide 'contagion'
Posted on Friday 18th September 2020 at 4:47am
A recently-published account of a grandmother's death paints a scathing picture of Victoria's voluntary assisted dying law. So what's its provenance? I expose a trail of vested-interest backing, leading to a particular source. Hold on to your hats…
A friend pointed out to me an opinion piece published this week in MercatorNet that slams Victoria's voluntary assisted dying (VAD) law. Written about an elderly woman with cancer who used the law to die peacefully, it's an angry diatribe written by the woman’s granddaughter-in-law: one Mrs Madeleine Dugdale.
Update 21-Sep-2020
Mrs Madeleine Dugdale's article has been withdrawn from MercatorNet without explanation. Here's a screenshot of the original.

Fearmonger |
Filibuster |
Fudge |
Fiction |
Faith |
Australia |
Religion |
Catholic |
Claim response |
Legislation |
Rhetoric |
Rhetoric: Suicide |
Rhetoric: The 'vulnerable'
Posted on Sunday 25th November 2018 at 9:03pm
The Canadian Medical Association has quit the World Medical Association over assisted dying and plagiarism.
The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) has quit the World Medical Association (WMA) over assisted dying and plagiarism.
The WMA has long held that assisted dying is unethical and must be condemned by the medical profession, despite a significant proportion of contemporary doctors believing it to be a valid and ethical option in restricted circumstances.
Assisted dying is lawful in Canada, where it is called Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD).
Fearmonger |
Faith |
Assisted dying (AD) |
Canada |
Catholic |
Posted on Sunday 12th August 2018 at 7:40am
In today’s Sydney Morning Herald, Margaret Somerville plugs her latest co-authored paper appearing in a medical journal. Trouble is, the article’s appalling rubbish containing egregious misinformation. The authors deserve ridicule and censure for it.
If there’s one thing you have to admire about Margo Somerville, Catholic Professor of Bioethics at the University of Notre Dame Australia, it’s her persistence in the face of being called out for misrepresenting facts about assisted dying. She’s at it again.
Today in the Sydney Morning Herald, Somerville was quoted spruiking her credentials via a recent publication in the peer-reviewed Journal of Palliative Care.1 Since I study the professional literature, I’m aware of said article, which was published several weeks ago. It's a shocker.
Fudge |
Fiction |
Non-voluntary euthanasia (NVE) |
Voluntary euthanasia (VE) |
Belgium |
Netherlands |
Margaret Somerville |
Analysis |
Posted on Saturday 11th August 2018 at 11:33pm
In this week's Senate debate, misinformation about indigenous Territorians' attitudes toward lawful assisted dying will abound. Senators should reject such rubbish.
In 1996 the Northern Territory Rights of the Terminally Ill Act (ROTI) came into effect. Just four people had used the Act when seven months later an Act of the Federal Parliament extinguished the NT law, by cancelling the Territories’ authority to enact it.
This week, the Senate [federal parliament] debates the Restoring Territory Rights (Assisted Suicide Legislation) Bill, sponsored by libertarian Senator David Leyonhjelm. If the Bill passes both houses, the Territories will again have the authority to legislate the matter of assisted dying.
Opponents of lawful assisted dying have been sharpening their knives to ensure that Senator Leyonhjelm’s Bill fails and that Territorians remain second-class citizens. In this post I expose one of the desperate and disgraceful pieces of misinformation opponents use to try and curry fear about law reform.
Opponent signals
There are signals from many quarters that assisted dying opponents are dragging out the tired old argument that indigenous Australians are too fearful of assisted dying to allow reinstatement of the Territories’ legislative authority.
The signals are clear, though so far mostly behind the scenes. Nevertheless, they predict a full onslaught of invalid “fear” claims in the parliamentary debate this week.
Fearmonger |
Filibuster |
Fudge |
Fiction |
Faith |
Australia |
Australian Capital Territory |
Northern Territory |
Religion |
Catholic |
Legislative reform |
Lobbying: Opponents |
Statistics |
Posted on Tuesday 13th February 2018 at 9:37pm
A article in LivingNow explains why assisted dying law reform has taken so long, and why it will accelerate from here.
A editorial in the Jan/Feb 2018 issue of lifestyle magazine, LivingNow, explains why assisted dying law reform in Australia has taken so long, and why it will accelerate from here.
Download the editorial (PDF 3.5Mb)
Visit LivingNow
Physician-assisted dying (PAD) |
Voluntary euthanasia (VE) |
Australia |
Religion |
Legislative reform |
Posted on Monday 13th November 2017 at 6:28pm
A new report to be published this week slams Jones & Paton’s 2015 “suicide contagion” study, and Kheriaty’s editorial of it, as unscientific and containing multiple substantial instances of bias.
In the ongoing political campaign against assisted dying law reform, opponents have spread one piece of egregious misinformation after another. One of the most common is supposed “suicide contagion” from assisted dying laws to general suicide, a theory popularised by Catholic Prof. Margaret Somerville. Despite the nonsense of her claim being comprehensively exposed, she still believes that her opinion “will prove to be correct.” Two journal papers published in 2015 purported to, but didn't, establish suicide contagion in Oregon and Washington states.
Note: the report is now published here.
Fearmonger |
Fudge |
Fiction |
Assisted dying (AD) |
Oregon |
Catholic Church |
Margaret Somerville |
Analysis |
Article review |
Statistics |
Rhetoric |
Rhetoric: Suicide 'contagion'
Posted on Thursday 27th July 2017 at 11:52pm
Paul Russell must publish the entire ‘research’ methodology of his recent ‘poll’ or withdraw the purported ‘results.’
In his latest blog, titled “Who are you going to trust?”, anti-assisted dying lobbyist Mr Paul Russell says:
“Polling noted today in the Australian shows a significant level of distrust in our political classes to get the issue of euthanasia and assisted dying right.”
He then goes on to quote some select statistics from said poll. In his blog, he mentions nothing about the sponsorship or conduct of the poll. After some searching, I found no other reference to said poll on his ‘HOPE’ website.
This is rather curious, because The Australian article he quotes, points out that the ‘poll’ was commissioned by him (his website is called ‘HOPE’).
Fudge |
Assisted dying (AD) |
Australia |
Victoria |
Paul Russell |
Margaret Somerville |
Statistics |
Posted on Tuesday 13th June 2017 at 2:38am
Religious crusaders against assisted dying are attempting to misinform the Victorian campaign again, this time by trying to scare politicians.
Both the Herald Sun and The Age reported last week that religious anti-assisted dying crusaders are running a 'gloves off' campaign in Victoria.
Religious forces are gathering once again to attempt to thwart the views of the great majority of Victorians in favour of assisted dying law reform.
Fearmonger |
Fudge |
Faith |
Australia |
Victoria |
Paul Russell |
Religion |
Statistics |
Posted on Saturday 3rd September 2016 at 4:44am
A Catholic publishing group responded with a vile and despicable attack when I pointed out serious misinformation they had published and courteously asked for withdrawal of the offending article.
I recently exposed (another) piece of misinformation published by LifeSiteNews, and wrote courteously to them to request withdrawal of the offending article. While I wasn’t hopeful the request would be accepted, I wasn’t prepared for the shocking and vile response I received.
Exposing bull about assisted dying is a key purpose of and it will continue to do so as long as bull is published or publicly spoken, and especially when it makes claims or generates innuendo that is at odds with the readily-available facts, as a smokescreen for fundamentally religious objections.
The specific request to withdraw
Bull |
Faith |
Assisted dying (AD) |
Catholic Church |
Catholic |
Posted on Tuesday 14th June 2016 at 10:22pm
Inga Peulich's minority report to the Victorian Parliament LSI Committee's end-of-life choices report reveals an incoherent and entenched hostility toward assisted dying. I challenge Mrs Peulich to furnish verifiable evidence to support her claims.
Mrs Inga Peulich is MLC for the Victorian state region of South-Eastern Metropolitan and is Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs and for Scrutiny of Government. She is a member of the Parliament's Legal and Social Issues Committee, which recently recommended assisted dying law reform.
Mrs Inga Peulich is MLC for the Victorian state region of South-Eastern Metropolitan and is Shadow Minister for Multicultural Affairs and for Scrutiny of Government. She is a member of the Parliament's Legal and Social Issues Committee, which recently recommended assisted dying law reform.
Australia |
Victoria |
Rhetoric |
Rhetoric: Slippery slope